[Padua; [Northern Italy; [Florence]
Laurentius Canozius, de Lendenaria; Printer of Mesue, 'Opera' (H 11107)]
after 23 Nov. 1471]
Assigned by GW to the Printer of Mesue, located by Proctor at Florence but by GW here to Northern Italy. Ridolfi identified the printer as Canozius at Padua without noticing this particular book, which was added to his list by D.E. Rhodes
Secundo folio: [a2r] singularem in hanc remp. fidem
Barbarus, HermolausOratio ad Fridericum III Imperatorem et Maximilianum I Regem Romanorum
Thierry Martens
Reproductions of the watermarks found in the paper used in this edition are provided by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands.; Dated on paper evidence (WILC). HPT dated shortly after 13 Aug. 1486
Secundo folio: [a3r] clariorum quem res adverse magis exercuere
Becchius, Gentilis, Episcopus AretinusOratio Florentinorum coram Alexandro VI habita
[Rome; [Florence
Francesco Minizio Calvo; [Jacobus Mazochius?]; n.pr.
IGI VI, CIBN and BMC assign to Calvo at Rome. Assigned to Florence in Goff and Reichling, and to Mazochius at LC. Dated after 1500 by IGI and GW, about 1524 by CIBN and about 1525 by BMC(It): cf. F. Barberi in Miscellanea in memoria di Luigi Ferrari (Florence, 1952) pp.74 no. 45 (CIBN)
Secundo folio: a2r clavum, alteram ad remum teneat
about 1524-25]; after 28 Nov. 1492]
Bessarion, CardinalEpistolae et orationes. With added works
Guy Marchant
21 Oct. 1500.
Woodcuts; Includes: Bajazet II: Epistola ad exteras nationes et invicem epistolae; Epistola ad Ludovicum XII regem Francorum. Urbanus II, Pontifex maximus: Ad principes Christianos oratio. Demosthenes: Olynthiaca prima (Tr: Bessarion)
Secundo folio: a3r sexum in praedam, vastant agros, depopulantur.
Bienatus, AureliusOratio in funere Laurentii de Medicis habita.
Philippus de Mantegatiis, Cassanus
after 8 Apr. 1492]
Lorenzo de' Medici died on 8 April 1492
Secundo folio: a2r cendia parvo temporis spacio; ab hinc fere trecentos