Albertus MagnusLiber aggregationis, seu Liber secretorum de virtutibus herbarum, lapidum et animalium quorundam. De mirabilibus mundi
[Strassburg; [Speyer
Printer of the Breviarium Ratisponense (Georgius de Spira?); Johann and Conrad Hist
about 1479-82]; about 1484]
On the printer see Schanze. Formerly attributed to Johann and Conrad Hist
Secundo folio: [a2r] pe habuerit devincet omnes hostes, omnes causas
Bernardus ClaravallensisEpistola de gubernatione rei familiaris.
Bartholomaeus Guldinbeck; [Johann Besicken
about 1482-88]; about 1493-94]
On the printer see Veneziani(Besicken) and CIBN. IGI VI dated about 1496-99; The true author is Bernardus Silvestris (Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche. 2 Aufl. (Freiburg 1957-67) Bd.2 col.248)
Secundo folio: audire et aliud cogitare. Ridens et gaudiens de verbis iocula
[Adolf Rusch, with the type of Johann Amerbach, for Anton Koberger]
Ascription as Sack, Freiburg: see Ferdinand Geldner, ‘Amerbach-Studien', AGB 23 (1982), 662-91, at 684-7. GW ascribes to [Strasbourg: Adolf Rusch, for Anton Koberger, shortly after 23 Sept. 1481], but manuscript notes in the Sion College copy and in Oates 124 are dated 1480. Polain assigns to [Strasbourg: Adolf Rusch, for Anton Koberger]. Alfred Hartmann rejects the ascription to Rusch in Amerbachkorrespondenz, I, 2, n. 2.
[not after 1480].