a corpus of texts printed in the 15th century



Text-inc Id:
Bod-inc Id:
Varro, Marcus Terentius De lingua latina (ed. Julius Pomponius Laetus and Franciscus Rolandellus).
Analysis of content:
  1. a1r [Laetus, Julius] Pomponius: [Letter addressed to Bartholomaeus] Platina. Incipit: ‘M. Terentius Varro togatorum literatissimus . . .’ See V‑045.
  2. a1r [Index uerborum.] Incipit: ‘[A]ctus, Ambitus, Agrorum genera . . .’
  3. b1r Varro, M[arcus] Terentius: De lingua latina [addressed to Marcus Tullius] Cicero. Edited by Julius Pomponius Laetus and Franciscus Rolandellus, as stated in the letter and endnote. Var. L. Books 8-10 are presented as a separate work entitled ‘Analogiae liber primus quae dicantur cur non sit analogia'. For this edition see CTC IV 457. On the work see V‑045.
  4. g8v [Note on Laetus and Rolandellus as editors and colophon]. Incipit: ‘Si quispiam tertio loco fragmentis Varronis . . .’ Laetus appears to have edited book I, Rolandellus book II.
Brescia: Boninus de Boninis, de Ragusia and Miniatus Delsera, 16 June 1483. Folio. Often found with Sextus Pompeius Festus (Goff F‑146) and Nonius Marcellus (Goff N‑268).
a4 b–e8.6 f g8.
Source: Bodleian ISTC: iv00098000 C 5955; Goff V‑98; BMC VII 968; Pr 6954; BSB‑Ink V‑60; Oates 2618; Sack, Freiburg, 3632; Sheppard 5752. LCN: 14803059
  1. V-048(1) Copy Bound with F‑038; see there for details of binding, decoration, and provenance. Size of leaf: 307 × 197 mm. Leaf g8v, colophon, l. 2: ‘ . . . Rhollādellus', not as BMC. SHELFMARK: Auct. O 4.11(2).