a corpus of texts printed in the 15th century



Text-inc Id:
Bod-inc Id:
Plutarchus Vitae illustrium virorum, et al. (ed. Pylades Brixianus).
Analysis of content:
  1. aa1r [Title-page, naming Pylades Brixianus as editor.]
  2. aa1v ‘Index uocabulorum et rerum in toto Vitarum Plutarchi.’
  3. bb6v Brixianus, Pylades: [Letter addressed to] Johannes Paulus Averoldus. Incipit: ‘Quantum mihi prouinciae desumpserim quum emendandum Plutarchi . . .’ Explicit: adeptos fateantur. Vale . . .
  4. a1r Plutarchus: [Life of Theseus.] ‘Thesei uita.’ [Translated by Lapus de Castellione. Edited, with the rest of the contents of this edition, by Pylades Brixianus.] Incipit: ‘[Q]uemadmodum in orbis terrae situ describendo . . .’ Explicit: continentem appellare solemus For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 16 no. 1(a), note 2; the editor is named on the title-page, and refers to his work in his letter (see above).
  5. a5r Plutarchus: [Life of Romulus.] ‘Romuli uita.’ [Translated by Lapus de Castellione.] Incipit: ‘[U]rbis Romae nomen magnum maximeque gloria . . .’ Explicit: anno e uita migrasse For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 17 no. 1(b), note 1.
  6. b1v [Plutarchus: Comparison between Theseus and Romulus. Translated by Lapus de Castellione.] Incipit: ‘[Q]uae igitur de Romulo et Theseo auditu digna et memoria accepimus . . .’ Explicit: deorum esse procreatum For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 17 no. 1(c), note 3.
  7. b2v Plutarchus: [Life of Lycurgus.] ‘Licurgi uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Franciscus Philelphus, although in this edition ascribed to Lapus de Castellione.] Incipit: ‘[D]e Lycurgo legum latore nihil (ut ita dixerim) certi narrare . . .’ Explicit: Lycurgo perhibentur For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 17 no. 2(a).
  8. b7v Plutarchus: [Life of Numa Pompilius.] ‘Numae Pompilii uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Franciscus Philelphus, although in this edition attributed to Lapus de Castellione.] Incipit: ‘[E]st autem de Numae regis temporibus quibus extiterit . . .’ Explicit: conflagrauit ut fertur For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 17-18 no. 2(b).
  9. c3v [Plutarchus: Comparison between Lycurgus and Numa. Translated by Franciscus Philelphus.] Incipit: ‘[S]ed posteaquam Numae et Lycurgi uitam exposuimus hisce in medio . . .’ Explicit: coegerit atque composuerit For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 18 no. 2(c).
  10. c4v Plutarchus: [Life of Solon.] ‘Solonis uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Lapus de Castellione.] Incipit: ‘[D]idimus grammaticus in commentario tabularum Solonis . . .’ Explicit: scriptis suis comprobauit For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 18 no. 3(a).
  11. d1r Plutarchus: [Life of Publicola.] ‘Publicolae uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Lapus de Castellione.] Incipit: ‘[C]um igitur his moribus praeditus fuisset Solon . . .’ Explicit: cadauer exportarunt For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 18 no. 3(b).
  12. d4v Plutarchus: [Comparison between Solon and Publicola. Translated by Lapus de Castellione.] Incipit: ‘[N]um igitur in his uiris comparandis . . .’ Explicit: apparatum Romanis summisit For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 18 no. 3(c).
  13. d5r Plutarchus: [Life of Alcibiades.] ‘Alcibiadis uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Donatus Acciaiuolus.] Incipit: ‘[A]lcibiadis genus si maiorum suorum memoria repetatur . . .’ Explicit: necatum Alcibiadem tradunt For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 19 no. 4(b).
  14. e4v Plutarchus: [Life of Coriolanus.] ‘Coriolani uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Guarinus Veronensis.] Incipit: ‘[M]artiorum familia Romae complures ex patriciis illustres . . .’ Explicit: facturos adstipulati sunt For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 20 no. 4(a).
  15. f1v [Plutarchus: Comparison between Alcibiades and Coriolanus. Translated by Donatus Acciaiuolus.] Incipit: ‘[C]eterum expositis omnibus rebus quae in se sunt nobis . . .’ Explicit: conferri possi uidetur For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 20 no. 4(c).
  16. f1v Plutarchus: [Life of Themistocles.] ‘Themistoclis uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Lapus de Castellione.] Incipit: ‘[T]hemistocli initia generis parum sane gloriosa fuere . . .’ Explicit: amicissimeque sum usus For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 21 no. 5(a).
  17. f6v Plutarchus: [Life of Camillus.] ‘Camilli uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Antonius Pacinus, although in this edition ascribed to Lapus de Castellione.] Incipit: ‘[C]urius(!) Camillus de quo multa magnaque extant . . .’ Explicit: ceciderant Romanis reliquit For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 21 no. 5(b).
  18. g4r Plutarchus: [Life of Pericles.] ‘Periclis uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Lapus de Castellione.] Incipit: ‘[C]aesarem quum peregrinos quosdam Romæ locupletes homines . . .’ Explicit: fieri licentia prohibebat For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 22 no. 6(a).
  19. h1v Plutarchus: [Life of Fabius Maximus.] ‘Fabii Maximi uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Lapus de Castellione, although in this edition ascribed to Guarinus Veronensis.] Incipit: ‘[D]escriptis autem Periclis moribus quos accepimus . . .’ Explicit: gloriam consequutus est For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 23 no. 6(c), note 1.
  20. h6r [Plutarchus: Comparison between Pericles and Fabius Maximus. Translated by Antonius Pacinus.] Incipit: ‘[T]alia igitur de horum uirorum uitis et moribus ex historiarum . . .’ Explicit: habere uisa est For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 23 no. 7(a), note 2.
  21. h6r Plutarchus: [Life of Pelopidas.] ‘Pelopidae uiri illustris uita.’ [Probably translated by Antonius Pacinus, although in this edition ascribed to Antonius Beccaria.] Incipit: ‘[C]ato senior quibusdam strenuum hominem audacemque . . .’ Explicit: crudelitatem iudicatus sit For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 23 no. 7(a).
  22. i3v Plutarchus: [Life of Marcellus.] ‘Marcelli uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Guarinus Veronensis.] Incipit: ‘[M]arcum Claudium quinquies Romanorum consulem Marci filium . . .’ Explicit: Marcelli nomine inscripsit For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 24 no. 7(b).
  23. i7v Plutarchus [pseudo-; Acciaiuolus, Donatus: Life of Hannibal.] ‘Hannibalis uiri illustris uita.’ Incipit: ‘[S]i primi Punici belli quod Carthaginenses cum populo . . .’ Explicit: concidisse uiderentur For the authorship see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 25 no. 8(a); in this edition the translation is ascribed to Acciaiolus.
  24. k7r Plutarchus [pseudo-; Acciaiuolus, Donatus: Life of Scipio Africanus.] ‘Scipionis Africani uiri illustris uita.’ Incipit: ‘[C]ornelio Scipioni qui primus nomine uictae a se gentis . . .’ Explicit: amandum alliciat For the authorship see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 25 no. 8(b); in this edition the authorship is attributed to Plutarchus and the translation to Acciaiolus.
  25. l3r [Acciaiuolus, Donatus: Comparison between Hannibal and Scipio.] Incipit: ‘[N]am uero res admonere uidetur ut Scipionis . . .’ Explicit: Explicit: finienda putauit For the authorship see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 25 no. 8(c). View entry in Person Index
  26. l4r Plutarchus: [Life of Philopoemen.] ‘Philopoemenis uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Guarinus Veronensis.] Incipit: ‘[C]leander et genere primarius et inter amplissimos . . .’ Explicit: quidem hactenus For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 25-6 no. 9(a).
  27. l7r Plutarchus: [Life of Quintus Flamminius.] ‘Titi Quinti Flaminii uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Guarinus Veronensis.] Incipit: ‘[P]hilopoemeni T. Quintum Flamminium comparamus. Is quali statura . . .’ Explicit: uita defunctus est For the authorship and the dedicatee see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 26 no. 9(b).
  28. m2v [Plutarchus]: ‘Comparatio Titi et Philopoemenis.’ [Translated by Guarinus Veronensis.] Incipit: ‘[M]utuam ipsorum comparationem intueri iam tempus postulat . . .’ Explicit: fore uideamur For the authorship and the translation see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 26 no. 9(c), note 3.
  29. m3r Plutarchus: [Life of Aristides.] ‘Aristidis uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Franciscus Barbarus, although in this edition ascribed to Leonardus Brunus Aretinus.] Incipit: ‘[A]ristides Lysimachi filius ex Antiochide tribu et populo . . .’ Explicit: digna iudicatur For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 26-7 no. 10(a).
  30. m8r Plutarchus: [Life of Cato the Censor.] ‘M. Catonis Senioris uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Franciscus Barbarus.] Incipit: ‘[M]arcum autem Catonem genere Tusculanum fuisse et priusquam . . .’ Explicit: clarissimi auus fuit For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 26-7 no. 10(b).
  31. n4v [Plutarchus: Comparison between Aristides and Cato. Translated by Franciscus Barbarus.] Incipit: ‘[Q]uum de his quae mentione digna uidebantur exposuerimus . . .’ Explicit: deligere propositum fuit For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 27 no. 10(c).
  32. n5v Plutarchus: [Life of Timoleon.] ‘Timoleonis uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Antonius Pacinus.] Incipit: ‘[A]ntequam Timoleon in Sicilia traiieceret res Syracusanorum sic se habebat . . .’ Explicit: rempublicam habuere For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 27 no. 11(a).
  33. o2v Plutarchus: [Life of Aemilius Paullus.] ‘Pauli Aemylii uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Leonardus Brunus Aretinus.] Incipit: ‘[A]emyliorum familiam in urbe Roma patriciam sane ac uetustam . . .’ Explicit: Aemilii fuisse dicuntur For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 28 no. 11(b).
  34. o7r Plutarchus: [Lives of Agis and Cleomones.] ‘Agidis et Cleomenis uirorum illustrium uita.’ [Translated by Alamannus Rinutinus, although in this edition ascribed to Antonius Pacinus.] Incipit: ‘[I]xionis fabulam nonnulli contra inanis gloriae sectaciones . . .’ Explicit: draconem consecrarunt For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 28 no. 12(a).
  35. p7v Plutarchus: [Lives of the Gracchi.] ‘Tyberii et Caii Gracchorum uita.’ [Translated by Leonardus Brunus Aretinus.] Incipit: ‘[D]e Agide et Cleomene quae dicenda fuerunt superius enarratis . . .’ Explicit: non aufert For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 29 no. 12(b).
  36. q3v Plutarchus: [Life of Lysander.] ‘Lysandri uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Guarinus Veronensis.] Incipit: ‘[M]armorea Lysandri statua Delphis inter nos extat . . .’ Explicit: sumus perscrutati For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 29 no. 13(a).
  37. q8r Plutarchus: [Life of Sulla.] ‘Syllae uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Guarinus Veronensis.] Incipit: ‘[L]ucius uero Cornelius Sylla patricia procreatus est familia . . .’ Explicit: iniuria superauit For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 29 no. 13(b).
  38. r6v [Plutarchus: Comparison between Lysander and Sulla. Translated by Guarinus Veronensis.] Incipit: ‘[Q]uando et huius percurrimus uitam iam comparationem . . .’ Explicit: principatum reddimus For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 29 no. 13(c).
  39. r7r Plutarchus: [Life of Pyrrhus.] ‘Pyrrhi uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Leonardus Brunus Aretinus.] Incipit: ‘[T]hesprotis alias Eprothis et Molossis post diluuium . . .’ Explicit: uniuersi potitus For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 30 no. 14(a).
  40. s4r Plutarchus: [Life of Marius.] ‘Caii Marii uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Antonius Pacinus, although in this edition ascribed to Guarinus Veronensis.] Incipit: ‘[C]aii Marii quamadmodum neque Q. Sertorii qui Iberos . . .’ Explicit: se ipsum necauit For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 30 no. 14(b).
  41. t2v Plutarchus: [Life of Eumenes.] ‘Eumenis uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Guarinus Veronensis.] Incipit: ‘[E]umeni Cardiano patrem fuisse Dures historicus scriptum reliquit . . .’ Explicit: pelagus liceret For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 30 no. 15(b).
  42. t5v Plutarchus: [Life of Sertorius.] ‘Sertorii uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Leonardus Brunus Aretinus.] Incipit: ‘[N]on est fortasse mirandum per infinitum tempus alibi aliter . . .’ Explicit: uisusque consenuit For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 31 no. 15(a).
  43. u1r [Plutarchus: Comparison between Eumenes and Sertorius. Translated by Guarinus Veronensis.] Incipit: ‘[H]aec sunt que de Sertorio ac Eumene digna memoratu . . .’ Explicit: fecit et dominum For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 31 no. 15(c).
  44. u1v Plutarchus: [Life of Cimon.] ‘Cymonis uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Leonardus Justinianus.] Incipit: ‘[P]eripoltas uates ex Thessalia Opheltam regem suosque in Boetiam . . .’ Explicit: uenerentur atque colant For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 31 no. 16(a).
  45. u5r Plutarchus: [Life of Lucullus.] ‘Lucii Luculli uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Leonardus Justinianus.] Incipit: ‘[L]ucii Luculli auus fuit uir consularis, auunculus autem Metellus . . .’ Explicit: pariter est extincta For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 31-2 no. 16(b).
  46. x5v [Plutarchus: Comparison between Cimon and Lucullus. Translated by Leonardus Justinianus.] Incipit: ‘Ego itaque Luculli mortem perbeatam maxime opportunamque . . .’ Explicit: gloriæ fastigium euasisse For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 32 no. 16(c).
  47. x6r Plutarchus: [Life of Nicias.] ‘Niciae uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Alamannus Rinutinus, although in this edition ascribed to Guarinus Veronensis.] Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam ut arbitror non absurde Niciam Crasso et Parthicos . . .’ Explicit: ante uentura prædixerat For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 32-3 no. 17(a).
  48. y4v Plutarchus: [Life of Crassus.] ‘Marci Crassi uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Alamannus Rinutinus, although in this edition ascribed to Guarinus Veronensis.] Incipit: ‘[M]arcus Crassus patrem habuit quum honoribus plurimis . . .’ Explicit: precluso illum suffocauit For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 32-3 no. 17(b).
  49. z3r [Plutarchus: Comparison between Nicias and Crassus. Translated by Alamannus Rinutinus.] Incipit: ‘[R]eliquum est ut de Niciae et Crassi ad inuicem comparatione . . .’ Explicit: mortem effecit For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 32-3 no. 17(c).
  50. z4r Plutarchus [pseudo-; Xenophon: Life of Agesilaus.] ‘Agesilai uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Baptista Guarinus, although in this edition ascribed to Antonius Pacinus.] Incipit: ‘[N]on sum equidem nescius difficillimum esse Agesilai uirtuti . . .’ Explicit: patria sepulchrum consequutus For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 33 no. 18(a).
  51. z8r Plutarchus: [Life of Pompeius.] ‘Pompeii uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Jacobus Angeli, although in this edition ascribed to Antonius Pacinus.] Incipit: ‘[E]rga Pompeium mox ex ipso initio uidetur populus Romanus . . .’ Explicit: apud Albanum positæ sunt For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 33-4 no. 18(b).
  52. A3r Plutarchus: [Life of Alexander.] ‘Alexandri magni uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Guarinus Veronensis.] Incipit: ‘[R]egis Alexandri Caesarisque qui Pompeium profligauit uitam . . .’ Explicit: animi uires amiserat For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 34 no. 19(a).
  53. B5v Plutarchus: [Life of Caesar.] ‘C. Caesaris uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Guarinus Veronensis, although in this edition ascribed to Jacobus Angeli.] Incipit: ‘[C]innae dictatoris filiam Corneliam a Caesare distrahere . . .’ Explicit: moribundus cecidit For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 35 no. 19(b).
  54. C6r Plutarchus: [Life of Phocion.] ‘Photionis uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Leonardus Justinianus, although in this edition ascribed to Lapus de Castellione.] Incipit: ‘[D]emadem oratorem tradunt plurimum Athenis potentia . . .’ Explicit: comodo animaduersum est For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 35-6 no. 20(a).
  55. D4r Plutarchus: [Life of Cato the Younger.] ‘Catonis Junioris uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Leonardus Brunus Aretinus, although in this edition ascribed to Lapus de Castellione.] Incipit: ‘[C]atonis genus principium dignitatis et gloriae sumpsit . . .’ Explicit: ipse mortuus est For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 36 no. 20(b).
  56. E4r Plutarchus: [Life of Dio.] ‘Dionis uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Guarinus Veronensis.] Incipit: ‘[P]rofecto, Sossi Senetion, quemadmodum Troiam iis minime . . .’ Explicit: singulatim perscriptum est For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 36 no. 21(a).
  57. F2v Plutarchus: [Life of Brutus.] ‘M. Bruti uiri illustris uita.’ [Probably translated by Jacobus Angeli, although in this edition ascribed to Guarinus Veronensis.] Incipit: ‘[M]arci Bruti progenitor fuit Junius Brutus . . .’ Explicit: Bruti fuisse dicimus For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 37 no. 21(b).
  58. G1r [Plutarchus: Comparison between Dion and Brutus. Translated by Guarinus Veronensis.] Incipit: ‘[H]is itaque hominibus quum multa bonorum adsint genera . . .’ Explicit: permaneret imperauit For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 37 no. 21(c).
  59. G1v Plutarchus: [Life of Demosthenes.] ‘Demosthenis uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Leonardus Brunus Aretinus.] Incipit: ‘[D]emosthenis pater Demosthenes (ut Theopompus historicus tradit . . .’ Explicit: credere uoluerat For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 38 no. 22(a).
  60. G4v Plutarchus [pseudo-; Brunus Aretinus, Leonardus: Life of Cicero.] ‘Marci Tullii uiri illustris uita.’ [In this edition the translation is ascribed to Leonardus Brunus Aretinus.] Incipit: ‘[T]ulliorum familia quae et Ciceronis postea cognomentum recepit . . .’ Explicit: ignominioseque perierunt For the authorship see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 38 no. 22(b).
  61. H2v Plutarchus: [Life of Demetrius.] ‘Demetrii uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Donatus Acciaiuolus.] Incipit: ‘[P]raeclaram meo iudicio prisci sapientis sententiam habuere . . .’ Explicit: Romanam introducamus For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 39 no. 23(a).
  62. I4v Plutarchus: [Life of Marcus Antonius.] ‘Marci Antonii uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Leonardus Brunus Aretinus.] Incipit: ‘[A]ntonio auus fuit Antonius orator quem Syllanas partes . . .’ Explicit: gradus successor For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 40 no. 23(b).
  63. K6r Plutarchus: [Life of Artaxerxes.] ‘Artoxerxis uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Lapus de Castellione.] Incipit: ‘[A]rtoxerxes ille primus Xerxe patre natus ex Persarum . . .’ Explicit: crudelitate superauit For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 40 no. 24.
  64. L2r Plutarchus: [Life of Aratus.] ‘Arati uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Lapus de Castellione.] Incipit: ‘[C]hrysippus philosophus tritum quoddam ueteri sermone . . .’ Explicit: peruenenit ætatem For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 40 no. 25.
  65. L8v Plutarchus: [Life of Galba.] ‘Galbae uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Franciscus Philelphus.] Incipit: ‘[I]phicartes(!) Atheniesis(!) iccirco existimabat stypendiarium . . .’ Explicit: morte dimisit For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 40-1 no. 26.
  66. M4r Plutarchus: [Life of Otho.] ‘Otonis uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Franciscus Philelphus.] Incipit: ‘[A]t iunior imperator Oto quum primum illuxisset procedens . . .’ Explicit: Cecinnæ addiderunt For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 41 no. 27.
  67. M6v Plutarchus [pseudo-; Isocrates: Life of Evagoras.] ‘Euagore uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Guarinus Veronensis.] Incipit: ‘[Q]uum uiderem, o Nicocles, te non solum rerum . . .’ Explicit: oportet celeriter fies For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 41 no. 28.
  68. M8v Plutarchus [pseudo-; Nepos, Cornelius: Life of Pomponius Atticus.] ‘Pomponii Attici uiri illustris uita.’ Nep. Att. See Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 41 no. 29; in this edition Nepos is described as being the translator.
  69. N2v [Festus: Breviarium rerum gestarum populi Romani. Also known as De historia Romana.] ‘Ruffus De regia consulari imperialique dignitate ac de accessione Romani imperii.’ Addressed to Valentinianus I, Roman Emperor. See P‑390. For the authorship see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 42 no. 30; in this edition the author is called ‘Ruffus Sextus' in the text, ‘Ruffus' in the printed heading.
  70. N5r [Guarinus Veronensis: Life of Plato, incorporating a letter addressed to Philippus Pellizzone.] ‘Platonis uiri illustris uita.’ Incipit: ‘[M]ultum diuque animo ueriti(!), Philippe uir doctissime, humanitatem tuam . . .’ Explicit: auditque videtque For the authorship and the dedicatee see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 42 no. 31; in this edition Guarinus is described as the editor.
  71. O1r [Brunus Aretinus, Leonardus: Life of Aristotle.] ‘Aristotelis uiri illustris uita.’ Incipit: ‘[A]ristotelis philosophus ex oppido fuit nomine Stagira . . .’ Explicit: atque probatissimi For the authorship see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 42 no. 32; in this edition Guarinus Veronensis is described as the editor.
  72. O2v Plutarchus [pseudo-: Life of Homer.] ‘Homeri uiri illustris uita.’ [Translated by Peregrinus Allius, although in this edition ascribed to Guarinus Veronensis.] Incipit: ‘[S]uperuacuum fortasse quibusdam uidetur in quaerendis . . .’ Explicit: philosophis reliquisse For the authorship and the translator see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 43 no. 34.
  73. O3v [Acciaiuolus, Donatus: Life of Carolus Magnus.] ‘Caroli Magni uiri illustris uita.’ Incipit: ‘[C]arolo Francorum regi cui postea ex magnitudine rerum gestarum . . .’ Explicit: sanctissimæ reseruauit For the authorship see Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 44 no. 36; in this edition Acciaiolus is described as the editor. View entry in Person Index
  74. O7r [Colophon.]
  75. O7r ‘Registrum.’
  76. O8r [Table of contents.]
Brescia: Jacobus Britannicus, 9-13 Aug. 1499. Folio. The colophon reads ‘ . . . M.cccclxxxxix.die.ix.Augusti.' The editor's letter at the end of the prelims is dated ‘ . . . idibus Augusti.M.ID.' (13 Aug. 1499).
aa8 bb6 a–z & A–O8. Woodcut initials.
Source: Bodleian ISTC: ip00835000 HC Addenda, *13131; Goff P‑835; BMC VII 983; Pr 7009; BSB‑Ink P‑629; Giustiniani, ‘Traduzioni latine', 44 no. (e); Sack, Freiburg, 2932; Sander 5783; Sheppard 5801. LCN: 14015423
  1. P-394(1) Copy Leaf aa1 has been repaired. Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf; bound for the Bodleian Library; the gold stamp of the Library on both covers. Upper cover detached. Size: 408 × 284 × 62 mm. Size of leaf: 393 × 258 mm. Some early marginal notes, including comments on the text, and ‘nota' marks. Provenance: J. T. Hand (fl. 1834-1837); signature on a fragment of paper from the previous binding, now attached to the front pastedown; purchased at his sale (1837), lot 244, for £0. 2. 0; see Books Purchased (1837), 30. SHELFMARK: Auct. P 1.10.