Losa, Alphonsus De, commissaryIndulgentia 1497. For the benefit of the confraternity of S. Jacobus de Compostella.
Analysis of content:
Printed side Losa, Alphonsus De, commissary: Indulgentia 1497. For the benefit of the confraternity of S. Jacobus de Compostella. Incipit: ‘[I]n dei nomine amen. Nouerint vniuersi christifideles qualiter ad perpetuam rei memoriam . . .’
[Antwerp: Thierry Martens, c.1497]. Broadside.
Sometimes found printed on the same sheet as Campbell–Kronenberg 141b (as in the Bodleian copy).
Types: 72 G; 145 G. Single sheet. 29 lines. Type area: 110 ×220 mm. Woodcut and woodcut initial. Watermark: a large gothic ‘p' with forked tail and quatrefoil above.
Source: Bodleian
ISTC: il00287650
Not in E;
Goff I‑127;
not in Pr;
Campbell–Kronenberg 141c; HPT II 387; ILC 1479; Kronenberg, ‘Aflaatbrieven', 343, with illustration opposite 338, the right of the two shown; Oates 3998(I); Polain 2097A (with errors); not in Sheppard.
Printed on the same sheet as L‑144(2); see there for details of binding and provenance.
Right-hand margin damaged, with some loss of text.
Traces of a seal.
Line 2 begins ‘felicis recordatiōis . . .'; on l. 3 ‘p̓ncipaliter . . .'; ‘ . . . pro . . .’
SHELFMARK: Broxb. 95.27(1).