[a1r] Hieronymus: [Letter addressed to] Paulinus. ‘Epistola sancti Jheronimi ad Paulinum presbiterum de omnibus diuine historie libris'.’ Pref. no. 1.
[a3v] [Gn–II Par.] Preceded by Jerome's preface.
[s4r] [OrMan.]
[s4r] [I–II Esr.] Preceded by Jerome's preface.
[t3v] [III–IV Esr.]
[v9v] [Tb–Est.] Preceded by Jerome's preface.
[y3v] [Iob.] ‘Prologus in Iob secundum hebraicum'. Pref. no. 3; preceded by the Prologus sancti Hieronymi in libro Iob and followed by Iob.
[z3v] [Ps (G).] ‘Liber ymnorum vel soliloquiorum'. Preceded by the first of Jerome's prefaces only.
[2a1r] [Prv.]
[2a9r] [Ecl.] ‘Prologus in ecclesiasten'. Pref. no. 6, followed by Ecl.
[2b2r] [Ct–Lam.]
[2h6r] [Bar.] ‘Prefatio in librum Baruch'. Pref. no. 10; followed by Bar.
[2h9r] [Ez–Mal.]
[2n2r] Hieronymus: ‘Prologus . . . in libros Machabeorum'.’ Pref. no. 31, followed by I–II Mcc.
[2p1v] [Mt.] ‘Argumentum in euangelium secundum Matheum'. Pref. no. 34; preceded by Jerome's prologue and followed by Mt.
[2q3v] [Mc.] ‘Prologus in euangelium secundum Marcum'. Pref. no. 36, followed by Mc.
[2r1r] Hieronymus: ‘Prefacio . . . in euangelium secundum Lucam'.’ Pref. no. 37, followed by Lc, where verses 1-4 are called ‘Prohemium'.
[2s4v] [Io.] ‘Prologus in euangelium secundum Iohannem'. Pref. no. 38, followed by Io.
[2t4r] Hieronymus: ‘Prefacio . . . in omnes epistolas sancti Pauli'.’
[2t4v] ‘Prologus specialis in epistolam ad Romanos'. Pref. no. 39.
[2t5r] [Rm–Hbr.] Rm–Hbr, each letter preceded by an ‘argumentum', referred to as ‘prologus' in the case of I and II Cor (PL CXIV 551).
[2y2r] Hieronymus: ‘Prefacio . . . in librum Actuum apostolorum'.’ Pref. no. 42, followed by Act.
[2z5r] [Iac–Iud.] ‘Prologus in epistolas canonicas'. Pref. no. 44, followed by Iac–Iud, each letter preceded by an ‘argumentum'.
[2A1r] [Apc.] ‘Prologus beati Iohannes in Apocalipsim'. Pref. no. 50, followed by Apc.
[2A7r] [Colophon.]
Mainz: Johann Fust and Peter Schoeffer, 14 Aug. 1462. Folio.
[1a–h10 i k8 l–z10 A B8]; [2a–n10 o12 p–z102A6+1]. Not as GW: see note below. On the state of this edition see Needham, ‘The Text', 56; for further variants see CIBN.
Source: Bodleian
ISTC: ib00529000
HC *3050;
Goff B‑529;
BMC I 22;
GW 4204;
Pr 79;
BSB‑Ink B‑410; CIBN B‑364; de Ricci, Mayence, 79; Hillard 370; Mayumi Ikeda, 'The First Experiments in Book Decoration at the Fust-Schoeffer Press', in Early Printed Books as Material Objects: Proceedings of the Conference organized by the IFLA Rare Books and Manuscripts Section Munich, 19-21 August 2009, ed. Bettina Wagner & Marcia Reed (Berlin & New York, 2010), 39-49, at 46-8; Paul Needham, 'The 1462 Bible of Johann Fust and Peter Schöffer (GW 4204): a Survey of its Variants', Gutenberg Jahrbuch, 81 (2006), 19-49; Oates 22-6; Sheppard 31-5.
LCN: 14003350, 14003367
First copy
Bound in four volumes (Gn–III Rg 9,16; III Rg 9,16–Ps; Prv–II Mcc; Mt–Apc).
In this copy, leaves 71-80 form a single gathering ([1h]), but leaves have been cut away after [1h4] and [1h7] (as in the British Library copy, shelfmark IC.102) and after [1x3] and [1x6] (as the British Library copy, shelfmark IC.101). With the red-printed heading on [1a1r] and [2a1r], but without the explicit and printer's device on [B8v] and the explicit of the Apocalypse on [2A7r]. On [2f3r], lines 43 and 44 of column two have been reversed. The colophon is the second of the two forms of the seven-line version described by GW, as in BL, IC.101: ‘ . . . Artificōſa adinuentione . . . Maguntn̄ . . . ioh'em . . . conſummatū'. Six blank leaves with red ruling at the beginning and end of column two.
Binding: Eighteenth-century French gold-tooled red morocco; probably bound by Louis Douceur (d. 1769) for the duc de La Vallière; on both covers foliate dentelle with bulbous vases in the corners (see Giles Barber, The James A. de Rothschild Bequest at Waddesdon Manor, the National Trust: Printed Books and Bookbindings, 2 vols (Aylesbury, 2013), I p. 363, BV 3 (particularly characteristic of Douceur's workshop)); on both covers a foliage and frame roll (Barber, p. 446, roll 51), and a floral roll (Barber, p. 449, roll 70, and particularly characteristic of Douceur's workshop), with this roll repeated on turn-ins; in the compartments of the spine a floral tool surrounded by stars and tendril stamps; lined with blue silk; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers.
Size: 410 × 300 × 40, 405 × 297 × 37, 410 × 295 × 43, 410 × 297 × 33 mm.
Size of leaf: 393 × 284 mm.
Manuscript table of contents in an early hand on endleaf of each volume. Early foliation of each volume. On [2f3r] the reversed lines 43 and 44 of column two have been corrected in manuscript. On [2A7v] notes in a contemporary hand: ‘Ex libro Innocencii pape de officio misse. Quia corde creditur ad justiciam ore . . .' (the beginning of Innocent III, Sermo 21, PL CCXVII 547); ‘Sequitur de duodecim partibus symboli vtriusque tam apostolici quam constantinopolitani. Petrus: Credo in deum patrem omnipotentem . . .'; ‘Sequitur symbolum constantinopolitanum quod habet duodecim clausulas. Prima: Credo in vnum deum patrem omnipotentem . . .' In a different hand, two lines of verse: ‘Nunc lege, nunc canta, nunc c[um] feruore labora, | sic erit hora breuis et labor prope leuis' (Walther, Initia, 12451); followed by: ‘Ista sunt remedia quedam contra accidiam. | Nota quod super libros sapienciales valde bonam exposicionem fecerunt Holcot et Hugo de sancto Caro, ambo ordinis predicatorum.' Instructions for rubrication and corrections in early black ink.
Major initials are supplied in gold with infill in dark blue and red with white highlighting, others in interlocked red and blue with pen-flourishing in red and blue. Headings and chapter numbers are supplied in alternating red and blue letters, initials supplied alternately in red and blue; yellow capital strokes; text enclosed within red rules.
Provenance: Paris, Jesuits; faded inscription in each volume: ‘Collegii Parisien. Societat. Jesu', at the head of the first printed page.
Louis César de la Baume le Blanc, duc de La Vallière (1708-1780), who bought the book from the Jesuits for 1800 livres; see Catalogue des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal, vol. VIII (Paris, 1899), 54 n. 2; sale (1767), lot 14.
Paul Girardot de Préfond (†after c.1800), who bought the book at the Vallière sale for 2500 livres; pencil note on front endleaf of volume 1: ‘N°. 289 P.'
Guillaume de Bure (1734-1820) mistakenly identifies this copy with that belonging to Président Achille de Harlay; see Bibliographie instructive (Paris, 1763), 41 and also de Ricci, Mayence, 79; but see the description of the Harlay copy in Jacques Le Long, Bibliotheca sacra (Halle, 1783), III 99.
Pietro-Antonio Bolongaro-Crevenna (1735-1792); sale (1789), lot 67; in the annotated catalogue marked down to Payne for Fl. 1460.
Purchased through Payne for £127. 15. 0; see Books Purchased (1790), 1.
SHELFMARK: Auct. M 1.4-7.
Second copy
First volume only (Gn–Iob 32,5). Gatherings [z], [A], and [B] (Iob 32,5–Ps) have been partly supplied in manuscript. Wanting [r9] and the manuscript leaves [z3], [A3], [A6], and [B4.5]. The manuscript leaves [z1, 2] and [z4-8] already formed part of this volume when it was purchased in 1750. Subsequently these were supplemented by 14 more leaves from the same manuscript ([z9, 10], [A1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8] and [B1-3, 6-8]), which were acquired in 1818 with the Canonici collection, see Henry Cotton, A Typographical Gazetteer (Oxford, 1831), 339 and Macray 223. Leaves [a1] and [q10] mutilated.
Printed on parchment. With the red-printed heading on [a1r]. The text of [h4r] and of gatherings [k] and [y] is of a different setting.
Binding: Seventeenth/eighteenth-century plain calf; rebacked; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers.
Size: 410 × 315 × 85 mm.
Size of leaf: 396 × 288 mm.
Occasional early and sixteenth-century marginal notes. Early signatures.
In the printed gatherings [a–y]: On [a1r] an illuminated floral border in gold, blue, red, and green; lower margin and lower part of outer margin cut off. Initials are supplied in gold with infill in red or blue with white highlighting and within a frame of blue or red respectively; principal initials also with floral extensions into the margin. Headings are supplied in ink. Chapter numbers are supplied in alternating red and blue letters. In the manuscript gatherings [z–B]: Principal initials are supplied in gold with blue infill with white highlighting, within a red frame with white highlighting or vice versa. Other initials are supplied alternately in red and blue; headings and colophon with the coat of arms of Fust and Schöffer are supplied in red. Headings and chapter numbers are supplied in alternating red and blue letters.
Provenance: Nicolas Joseph Foucault (1643-1721); armorial book-plate.
Purchased in 1750 for £2. 10. 0.; see Registrum C (Library Records c. 854), fol. 174r, and Macray 223.
Former Bodleian shelfmark: A 5. 6 Th.
SHELFMARK: Auct. M 1.3.
Third copy
Three fragments of leaf [t3] only, printed on parchment.
Bound with a large number of other miscellaneous fragments in a modern guard-book.
Sizes of fragments: 25 × 113 mm; 156 × 77 mm; 131 × 95 mm.
Notes by Douce.
Provenance: Francis Douce (1757-1834).
Bequeathed in 1834
SHELFMARK: Douce Fragm. b.1(1).