Bonaventura, SMeditationes vitae Christi [Italian]. Le deuote meditatione sopra la passione del nostro signore (with text ending: scripto di me nele prophetie e psalmi)
[]; [Albertinus Vercellensis?]; [Printer of Ovidius, 'Metamorphoses' (H 12168)]
4 Apr. 1500
BMC points out that the type-measurement does not support GW's identification of the printer as the 'Printer of Ovid', but that it appears to be the same as the type used by Albertinus Vercellensis in the Valerius Maximus of 14 Dec. 1503; Sometimes attributed to Johannes de Caulibus (cf. BBFN Inc p.119f)
Secundo folio: a3r: 'tissimo unguento che si chiamava ... '