Martin Schott
not after 1486]
On the authorship, see A. Fries, Die unter dem Namen des Albertus Magnus überlieferten mariologischen Schriften (1954) pp.5-80, 130-131, and A. Kolping, in Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale 25 (1958) pp.285-328 (Sack(Freiburg)); The Poznań AA copy has date of rubrication 1486 (IBP). Dated about 1485-89 by GW, Goff and Polain
Albertus MagnusEnarrationes in evangelium Johannis
Johann Guldenschaff
not after 1477]; [not after 1478]
Copy in Mogiła C has date of purchase 1477 (IBP). CIBN records a table (two quires of 6 leaves) not described elsewhere
Michael Wenssler
not after 1474]
Dated by CIBN; GW, Polain and IGI date not after 1475. BMC (MS note) mentions rubricator's date of 1474 in the Buxheim copy; On the authorship, see A. Fries, Die unter dem Namen des Albertus Magnus überlieferten mariologischen Schriften (1954) pp.5-80, 130-131, and A. Kolping, in Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale 25 (1958) pp.285-328 (Sack(Freiburg))
Johann Amerbach
[not after 1495]
With general title: Explanatio librorum artis logicae Porphyrii et Aristotelis. Contents: Porphyrius: Isagoge in Aristotelis praedicamenta (Tr: Boethius). Gilbertus Porretanus: Liber sex principiorum. Aristoteles: Praedicamenta; De interpretatione; Analytica priora (Tr: Boethius); Analytica posteriora (Tr: Jacobus Veneticus); Topica; Elenchi sophistici (Tr: Boethius). Johannes de Lapide: De propositionibus exponibilibus; De arte solvendi sophisticas argumentationes. Goff enters under Porphyrius and BSB-Ink under Johannes de Lapide
Augustinus de AnconaSumma de potestate ecclesiastica. (Ed: Paulus de Bergamo)
Petrus Ungarus (Pierre Hongre); [Sixtus Glockengiesser]
not after 1480]; [not after 18 June 1484]
Polain assigns this edition to Sixtus Glockengiesser. Copy at Neuburg (Donau) ProvB has purchase date 1480. Goff and Hillard date not after 18 June 1484
Bartolus de SaxoferratoConsilia, quaestiones et tractatus, cum additionibus Bernardini Landriani
Johannes Siber
Secundo folio: Etsi vanum sit solem facibus illustrare nihilominus ...
not after 1492] [Date of printing is based on the date of the rubrication in the BL copy (signature of the rubricator and date, 1492, on z10r).]