Albertus MagnusLiber aggregationis, seu Liber secretorum de virtutibus herbarum, lapidum et animalium quorundam. De mirabilibus mundi
[Strassburg; [Speyer
Printer of the Breviarium Ratisponense (Georgius de Spira?); Johann and Conrad Hist
about 1479-82]; about 1484]
On the printer see Schanze. Formerly attributed to Johann and Conrad Hist
Secundo folio: [a2r] pe habuerit devincet omnes hostes, omnes causas
Johann Meister (Koch) and Johannes Vurster?; [Peter Kollicker with Johann Meister (Koch)?; [Michael Wenssler
not after 1479]; about 1483-84]; before 1485]
Woodcut. On the ascription to Meister and Vurster, see A. Stevenson, The Problem of the Missale Speciale (London, 1967) pp.208-11, but cf. also Sack, who assigns to Kollicker and Meister. Assigned to Wenssler by Oates and in Weale-Boh. A copy in Augsburg UB has a buyer's inscription dated 1479
Johann Veldener
30 July 1479
Reproductions of the watermarks found in the paper used in this edition are provided by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands.; Woodcut