Stephan Plannck
about 1481-87]; [about 1487-88]
Dated by CIBN. GW and Goff date about 1487-88; Author's name also recorded as Benedictus Riguardatus
Mahomet IIEpistolae magni Turci. Prelim: Laudivius Zacchia: Epistola ad Francinum Beltrandum. Add: Antonius Beccadelli, Panormita: De Hermaphrodito
Stephan Plannck?; [Ulrich Han (Udalricus Gallus)]
about 1483]; [about 1500]
Assigned to [Ulrich Han?] by Proctor, and dated [about 1500] in IGI; Falsely attributed to Mahomet II by the author, Laudivius Zacchia (F. Babinger, Laudivius Zacchia, der Erdichter der "Epistolae Magni Turci", Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.-hist. Klasse, Sitzungsberichte, Heft 13, 1960) (CIBN)
Pius II, Pont. Max. (formerly Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini)Epistola iuveni non esse negandum amorem; Epistola amatoria ad Lucretiam; De remedio amoris
Stephan Plannck
between 1481 and 1487]; [about 1488-90]
Dated about 1488-90 in Goff and IGI, between 1481 and 1487 by Hillard; The Epistola amatoria is often printed under the name of Sigismundus, dux Austriae, to whom Aeneas Sylvius dedicated it (BSB-Ink B-570)