Adolphus, Episcopus MoguntinusCopiae indulgentiarum de institutione festi Praesentationis beatae Mariae virginis concessarum. Add: Paulus II: Bulla "Rationi congruit", 16 Sept. 1464. Constitutio "Ad id maxime versatur", 21 Jan. 1465. Officium de festo Praesentationis beatae Mariae virginis
Martin Flach (printer of Basel)
about 1472]
Hain and Pellechet describe two leaves of prayers additional to the body of the work in 18 ff.; The work concerns the introduction of the feast into the province of Mainz, with bullae of Paul II concerning the introduction of the feast into the lands of William of Saxony (Sack)
Jacobus Wolff, de Pforzheim; [Johann Amerbach]
about 1492]
Goff, GW and Proctor assigned to Amerbach. A copy at München BSB has a rubricator's date 1492
Michael Wenssler
not after 1474]
Dated by CIBN; GW, Polain and IGI date not after 1475. BMC (MS note) mentions rubricator's date of 1474 in the Buxheim copy; On the authorship, see A. Fries, Die unter dem Namen des Albertus Magnus überlieferten mariologischen Schriften (1954) pp.5-80, 130-131, and A. Kolping, in Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale 25 (1958) pp.285-328 (Sack(Freiburg))
Johann Amerbach
[not after 1495]
With general title: Explanatio librorum artis logicae Porphyrii et Aristotelis. Contents: Porphyrius: Isagoge in Aristotelis praedicamenta (Tr: Boethius). Gilbertus Porretanus: Liber sex principiorum. Aristoteles: Praedicamenta; De interpretatione; Analytica priora (Tr: Boethius); Analytica posteriora (Tr: Jacobus Veneticus); Topica; Elenchi sophistici (Tr: Boethius). Johannes de Lapide: De propositionibus exponibilibus; De arte solvendi sophisticas argumentationes. Goff enters under Porphyrius and BSB-Ink under Johannes de Lapide