Vergilius Maro, PubliusOpera: Bucolica and Georgica (comm. Maurus Servius Honoratus and Jodocus Badius Ascensius); Aeneis (comm. Maurus Servius Honoratus, rev. Jodocus Badius Ascensius), et al. Ed. Jodocus Badius Ascensius.
Paris: Thielman Kerver, for Jean Petit and Johann de Koblenz, 1500-1. Folio.
In three parts: (I) ‘Bucolica and Georgica' [not before 24 Apr. 1500]; (II) ‘Aeneis', dated 23 Jan., 1 Feb. 1501; (III) ‘Opuscula', dated 15 Mar. 1501. BMC treats as separate editions, and excludes part II.
XenophonOpera varia (trans. Omnibonus Leonicenus, Franciscus Philelphus, and Leonardus Brunus Aretinus).
[Milan: Alexander Minutianus?, c.1501-2]. Folio.
As ascribed and dated by D. E. Rhodes, ‘The First Collected Latin Edition of Xenophon', Gb Jb (1981), 151-3, repr. in Dennis E. Rhodes, Further Studies in Italian and Spanish Bibliography (London, 1991), 7-9. Polain and Pr assign to [Reggio Emilia] as the place of printing with Polain assigning to [Franciscus de Mazalibus]; BSB‑Ink assigns to Milan: Guillaume Le Signerre, after 1500?]; Sheppard dates [c.1500].