[Rome: Bartholomaeus Guldinbeck or Wendelinus de Wila, c.1475]. 4°.
ISTC assigns to Guldinbeck or de Wila. Curt F. Bühler, ‘On the Horace Printed in Rome by Wendelinus de Wila or Bartholomaeus Guldinbeck', Bibliofilia, 37 (1935), 376-80, suggests that the use of an inverted ‘i' may distinguish their works, but does not pursue this further.
Bartolinis, Baldus deDe dotibus et dotatis mulieribus et earum iuribus et privilegiis.
[Perugia: Johannes Vydenast, c.1479]. Folio.
The printing of this book was begun in 1479 by Fridericus Eber and after his death continued and completed in 1482 by J. Vydenast, see Demetrio Marzi, I tipografi tedeschi in Italia durante il secolo XV, Festschrift zum fünfhundertjährigen Geburtstage von J. Gutenberg, ed. Otto Hartwig, Beihefte zum Centralblatt für Bibliothekswesen, 23 (1900), 505-78, at 564-5.