Bologninus, BartholomaeusEpitoma elegiaca in Ovidii libros Metamorphoseon.
Bologna: Johannes Jacobus de Fontanesis, Regiensis, ‘1492. die .19. Aprilis' [i.e. probably after 17 May 1492]. 4°.
Although the colophon has the date ‘1492. die .19. Aprilis', the preface is dated ‘.xvi. kal'. Jun.' (Goff).
Palladius Soranus, DomitiusEpigrammata et elegiae.
Venice: [Bernardinus Venetus, de Vitalibus, for] Johannes Baptista Sessa, 16 May 1498. 4°.
Though signed by Johannes Baptista de Sessa, this book was printed with type 111 R of Bernardinus Venetus, de Vitalibus, and his woodcut initials and lombards.
Perottus, NicolausCommentariolus in prohemium Historiae naturalis Plinii, et al.
[Venice: Printer of Cicero, ‘De officiis' (H *5268), c.1482]. Folio.
Sheppard notes that Pr confuses this work with Perottus, De generibus metrorum (Pr 6789).
[Venice: Vindelinus de Spira, before 6 Oct. 1473]. Folio.
Mentioned as recently printed in a letter of Philelphus of 6 October 1473; see L. A. Sheppard, ‘A Fifteenth-century Humanist, Francesco Filelfo', Library, 4th ser., 16 (1935), 1-26 at 20.