Brant, SebastianDas Narrenschiff [Latin] Stultifera navis (trans. Jacobus Locher; with captions).
Augsburg: Johann Schönsperger, 1 Apr. 1497. 8°.
Reprinted from the edition of Basel: Johann Bergmann, 1 Mar. 1497 (GW 5054), including the colophon, with added colophon on t4r.
Brant, SebastianDas Narrenschiff [French] La nef des folz du monde (trans. from the Latin version of Locher by Pierre Rivière; with Latin captions and references in the margins).
Paris: [Félix Baligault?, for] Geoffroy de Marnef and Johann Philippi (Manstener), [not before Dec.] 1497. Folio.
GW assigns the printing to [Jean Lambert].
Brant, SebastianDas Narrenschiff [Latin] Stultifera navis (trans. Jacobus Locher; with captions).
[Lyons]: Jacobus Sacon, 28 June ‘1488' [i.e. 1498]. 4°.
The printed date ‘1488' is erroneous: see K. Ohly, ‘Die Anfänge des Buchdrucks in Basel', ZfB 57 (1940), 259-60.
Brant, SebastianDas Narrenschiff [Latin] Stultifera navis (trans. Jacobus Locher; with captions).
[Nuremberg: Georg Stuchs, after 1 Mar. 1497]. 8°.
Reprinted in Nuremberg from the edition of Basel: Johann Bergmann, 1 Mar. 1497 (GW 5054), including the colophon.