Lyons: Jean de Vingle, for Étienne Gueynard, 20 Apr. 1498. 4°.
BMC describes this edition as 4°, GW as Folio. There exist two settings of the first gathering.
Venice: Johannes and Gregorius de Gregoriis, de Forlivio, 1497-9. Folio.
In three parts dated: (I) [undated]; (II) 8 July 1499; (III) 10 Feb. 1497/8, the third first issued separately. BMC treats in two parts.
Thomas AquinasSumma theologiae: Secunda pars, secunda secundae.
Rome: Ulrich Han and Simon Nicolai Chardella, de Lucca, 1 Oct. 1474. Folio.
According to CIBN the Paris BnF copy has two leaves inserted between gatherings [s] and [t]; the first and the last leaves of gathering [t] are differently set from the Bodleian copy. The Bodleian copy represents the earlier setting which omitted the greater part of ‘Quaestio' 86 and the beginning of ‘Quaestio' 87; these passages are included in the two additional leaves of the Parisian copy.